There are many visual indicators that can help make the determination as to whether or not foundation inspections are right for you. However, not all foundation problems are related to settlement alone. Plumbing leaks and improper surface drainage are just two of other possibilities that might be causing structural damage.


The most common signs of movement are brick cracks, sheetrock cracks, sticking doors, and windows separated from the surrounding brick. Click on the pictures above to see examples of common problems. If you notice these symptoms in your home, give our office a call to schedule an appointment. Foundation repairs can cost thousands of dollars, it is wise to get an independent engineer to ensure that the work is done properly. CCM Engineering has been providing foundation inspections for clients throughout the Denton, Highland Village, Flower Mound, Fort Worth, and greater DFW metroplex for more than 30 years.


Benefits of Foundation Inspections


Whether you are purchasing a new home or are simply trying to ensure the longevity of your home's foundation, getting a foundation inspection can be one of the most important things you can do. Foundation repair, especially in our region is a risky business. Improper repair or inaccurate information can cost you thousands of dollars.


Our fee is a small percentage of the average foundation repair cost. However, we can save you thousands on potential repair mistakes or improperly analyzed foundations. Our certified engineers will ensure that all aspects of your home's foundation are properly inspected and that you receive the information you need to make the decisions you need to make in a timely manner.


We are licensed and insured and have access to a SUPRA key for those selling their home to make scheduling your appointment a little easier. Payments for our foundation inspection services are due at the time of service and depending on your square footage of your home you can find pricing for our foundation inspection services by visiting our pricing page on our website. We also offer customers the ability to pay for their services online through our safe and secure payment page.


If you live in the Denton, Highland Village, Flower Mound or greater Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and are looking to schedule a foundation inspection please contact us today.


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